Please read the information below, and email director@meistersingers.org to schedule an appointment or video submission
The success of any choral group largely depends on the ability of its singers to harness their sound into one voice, working together as an ensemble to create something no individual can create on their own. Joining the Meistersingers means that you are ready to be part of a team and ready to lend your voice to the ensemble to the best of your ability. Meistersingers is a group made up primarily of volunteers with a small number of paid staff singers in each voice part. The audition process is designed to find not only talented singers but also team players.
We look forward to seeing you! And hearing you!
Auditions are held BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Fill out the form below to contact our director and schedule your audition.
The audition will consist of:
Basic vocalization to determine tone quality and range
Repeating note patterns to ascertain tonal memory and pitch recognition
Short rhythm and sight-reading exercise to determine your level of reading skill
An aria, song or hymn prepared by the auditioning singer to showcase your musicality
Rehearsals for Meistersingers are on Sunday evenings from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in Orange. Our season typically starts in late September and ends in mid to late June. Singers are expected to work on music on their own so group rehearsal time is used for efficiently to further improvements. We are looking forward to hearing you!